U.N. Secretly Working With Banks To Crush American Food Industry

(Congress Report) – A group of 12 Republican state agriculture commissioners are now setting their sights on six big American banks over net-zero ambitions, presenting a brand new front in the war on woke investing. Thus far, most of the battles in this arena have been led by state attorneys general and financial officers. Wokeness is completely obliterating our society, rotting it from the inside out. It began as merely cultural in its expression with movies, television, music producers and artists pushing the acceptance of radical socialist theories regarding race and sexuality.

Now it has spread to businesses in the form of diversity training and hires, along with investing. It’s a cancer that keeps advancing throughout the body of our nation, hellbent on killing its host.

“The top state officials penned a letter Monday morning to top executives of Bank of America, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley and Wells Fargo, taking issue in particular with their collective membership in the Net-Zero Banking Alliance (NZBA). They warned that the banks’ involvement in the global eco alliance may impact food availability, lead to price increases, limit credit access for farmers, and have broad negative economic consequences,” Fox Business reported.

“American agriculture is sending a clear signal: we will not bend the knee to the failed, left-wing climate agenda of the United Nations that seeks to cripple one of our country’s most critical industries,” Georgia Agriculture Commissioner Tyler Harper remarked in comments given to FOX Business.

“Now more than ever, banks that do business with America should be unquestionably supporting American industries — and that starts with the one that puts food on our tables, clothes on our backs, and shelter over our heads,” Harper added. “The UN’s Net-Zero Banking Alliance would be the equivalent of a run on the bank for our nation’s agriculture industry and pose a serious threat to our national security — and it must be stopped.”

Your first clue that the NZBA is bad news: It was put together by the United Nations, who describes it as a global group of financial institutions “committed to financing ambitious climate action” in order to transition the modern economy to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2050, though they encourage those who are participants in the group to shoot for net zero targets by 2030 or sooner.

Much of this climate agenda nonsense is simply a cover for governments wanting to gain more control over the means of production which they do through the implementation of regulations that are, essentially, taxes, forcing companies to either bend the knee and apply measures to reduce carbon emissions or pay fines. So either they obey the government, which gives them more power, or they disobey and give the government money. The winner is clearly, in both cases, the government.

“The alliance issued a progress report during last month’s U.N. climate summit in Dubai, highlighting how two-thirds of its growing membership pool had made aggressive green energy commitments. The report further noted that member banks are increasingly targeting the power sector; fossil fuel industry; iron, steel and cement manufacturing; and real estate,” Fox Business reported.

The state agriculture commissioners’ letter that was sent out on Monday issues a warning that the banks’ net-zero commitments made under the framework of the NZBA could have some serious consequences for farmers in the United States, leading to the reduction of beef and livestock consumption, forcing many of them to switch to “inefficient electric farm equipment” and ditching the use of nitrogen fertilizer which the letter says is “necessary for American agriculture to thrive.”

“Achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions in agriculture requires a complete overhaul of on-farm infrastructure — one of the goals of the NZBA,” the letter goes on to say. “This would have a catastrophic impact on our farmers. Proposed net-zero roadmaps describe dramatic, impractical, and costly changes to American farming and ranching operations such as switching to electric machinery and equipment; installing on-site solar panels and wind turbines; moving to organic fertilizer; altering rice-field irrigation systems; and slashing U.S. ruminant meat consumption in half, costing millions of livestock jobs.”

“To make matters worse, these changes will increase food costs and decrease food production at a time when global food demand is expected to rise dramatically,” it added. “This is compounded by the fact that, the average American has been struggling to keep up with inflation during the tenure of the Biden Administration. The reality could be much worse. These effects will hit the poor the hardest.”

“American farmers should not be forced to put our food supply at risk,” they declared in the conclusion of the letter.

If you want to know just how awful these measures are and how they might negatively impact the food supply, take a look at France, where video was released a few days ago that shows empty store shelves, a result of the climate agenda threatening the production process for farmers, so they opted to go on strike.

In Germany, farmers staged a protest by blocking highways as a means of voicing their opposition to the expensive agricultural policies the government was attempting to enforce.

“In addition to Georgia, officials from Alabama, Florida, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, North Dakota, South Carolina, Texas and West Virginia also signed the letter,” Fox Business said.

“Farmers and ranchers are the foundation of our economy and international climate cartels like the NZBA pose nothing less than an existential threat to their future,” Will Hild, the executive director of watchdog group Consumers’ Research, stated. “By forcing ESG, Brian Moynihan and his cohort have driven the cost of doing business for small family farmers and independent ranchers to astronomical heights.”

“The Ag officials and Commissioners hit the nail on the head in their letter: should their misguided climate extremism continue unabated, these megabanks will put our entire food supply in serious jeopardy,” he concluded. “I applaud the states for their action, and I look forward to working with them to defend American consumers from this corporate malfeasance.”

Copyright 2024. CongressReport.com


  1. The Hon Agriculture Secretary of Georgia might want to watch what he says. He will have Fani and the Xi den regime after him for not kissing the woke butt. Don’t forget, its only the lefties that have 1A rights!

  2. What gets me is that apparently these institutions do not recall where food comes from! They need to quit talking with their mouths full! The UN needs to go, at least as far as the US is concerned.

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