Creepy Joe Strikes Again! Biden Slammed For Telling Girl, 6, ‘I Love Your EARS’ At Event

(Congress Report) – If there’s one thing we’ve learned about President Joe Biden, it’s that he is a classic yarn spinner, fabricating a good portion of his life to help fit whatever narrative he believes is necessary to get in good with the audience he’s addressing. Sure, it’s possible some of this behavior stems from the dementia he likely suffers from, but honestly, he has a reputation of being a bald-faced liar, so there’s that. Our president is a pretty despicable and untrustworthy person.

Biden’s ability to look someone square in the eye and lie without a bit of remorse is how he can get up, deliver an address to a group of military personnel and say nothing important while also attempting to make pals with a 6-year-old girl. That in and of itself is super creepy, especially when you look at his past of being very “hands on” with women and young girls.

As per Laura Wellington of The Western Journal, “The exchange reeked of innocence and immorality. Biden’s comments about ‘loving the little girl’s ears’ are completely inappropriate.” Biden then asked the little girl, “How old are you, 17?”

Her brother immediately piped up and stated, “She’s 6.”

Well, that’s odd. Why would you make a statement like that to some stranger’s kid? Is he really oblivious to how much like a pedophile that sort of thing makes him look? Just keep your hands and remarks to yourself, Mr. President.

“To stand in front of the service members and military families at a Friendsgiving event last Friday held at Naval Station Norfolk in Norfolk, Virginia, and spout out wildly false claims that he had been appointed to the Naval Academy to play football but turned them down is devoid merit. According to Fox News, there is no record of this. Yet he continues to push this fallacy,” the report added.

Stuff like this makes you wonder if, deep down, Biden doesn’t want to serve another four years as president and is doing everything in his power to sabotage any chance of reelection. No need to go through all of the trouble. Just opt not to run next year. Simple as that.

Biden, speaking to members of the armed forces on Sunday, said, “We have a lot of obligations as a government. We only have one truly sacred obligation, and that is to prepare those who we send into harm’s way, care for them and their families when they come home, and make sure they’re never forgotten.”

This would be a nice sentiment if Biden actually believed it, but we know for a fact he doesn’t. Just look at how he’s treated the families of those who lost loved ones during the Afghanistan troop withdrawal debacle. Rather than attempting to offer words of comfort in the wake of their loss, the president turned the whole situation into a photo-op.

“To stand before the military personnel and families of those currently deployed in the eastern Mediterranean on the Dwight D. Eisenhower and the Gerald R. Ford aircraft carriers noting the violent war occurring between Israel and Hamas and reassure them when there is no evidence of this priority is pure evil, in my view,” The Western Journal reported. “Couple this with the lechery of approaching a little girl on the sidelines. Poppa Joe doesn’t seem to understand boundaries or the implications his focus on her age implies.”

Can you imagine how difficult it must be to work as one of Biden’s handlers? The man is constantly getting into trouble, essentially requiring 24 hour care and attention. Which he’s probably getting courtesy of the dollars they are stealing from our paychecks on a weekly basis. You’re welcome Mr. President.


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