Trump’s Eligibility For 2024 Ballot Headed To Supreme Court?

(Congress Report) – Well, the radical left is really, really doing their best to avoid former President Donald Trump having a rematch with President Joe Biden in the 2024 presidential election, launching four different indictments against him and now questioning his eligibility for office in a case that could be headed for the Supreme Court. Does that not reek of desperation? Have you ever seen Democrats so afraid of one individual before? Notice none of the other candidates running for the GOP presidential nomination are being targeted this way. Why is that?

To put it simply, Democrats do not consider them to be a threat. Not right now, anyway. Trump is the person who scares them most because when he says he will dismantle the deep state, he’s going to follow through. He has a track record of doing what he says. He also cannot be bought off. Nothing terrifies progressives more than a politician who doesn’t take bribes.

Katelynn Richardson of the Daily Caller wrote, “Since the left-leaning group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) filed its lawsuit seeking to remove Trump from the ballot in Colorado on Sept. 6, cases have been filed in Minnesota, Oklahoma and New Mexico, among other states. With these and other efforts underway, legal experts told the Daily Caller News Foundation that Supreme Court will likely have to settle whether Trump should be removed from the ballot under Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment, which bars certain government officials who took an oath to the Constitution and then ‘engaged in insurrection’ from holding office.”

“If a Secretary of State disqualifies Trump from the ballot, then Trump and his campaign will have standing to sue and if the lower courts rule against Trump, then the case will most certainly end up in the Supreme Court on an appeal,” Heritage Foundation senior legal fellow Hans von Spakovsky said in a conversation with the Daily Caller News Foundation. “For a number of constitutional and procedural reasons, the Court is almost certain to rule in Trump’s favor.”

Maryland Secretary of State Susan Lee stated she would mull over the idea of removing the former president from the ballot, a report from the Daily Record revealed. It’s the duty of the Office of the Secretary of State to decide which names appear on the ballot during a presidential election in Maryland.

Several Democrats in the California State Legislature have inquired of Attorney General Rob Bonta to help get a state court decision expedited concerning the removal of Trump’s name from the ballot.

“Meanwhile, other left-leaning groups backed by Democrat-aligned donors have related efforts underway, such as a campaign launched by the Free Speech for People and Mi Familia Vota Education Fund urging top state election officials to remove Trump from the ballot. Free Speech for People is also behind the lawsuit in Minnesota,” Richardson’s piece continued.

Ilya Somin, a George Mason University law professor, who thinks there’s a pretty strong, “though not indisputable” case for the disqualification of Trump, spoke with the Daily Caller and remarked that there’s an actual chance this case could end up coming before the highest court in the country.

“The issue could well end up in the Supreme Court, especially if at least some lower courts rule in favor of disqualification,” he asserted. “The Court may not want a situation where Trump is disqualified in some states, but not others.”

“Notre Dame Law School Professor and election law expert Derek Muller similarly said that the Supreme Court would likely weigh in to ‘give some clarity and potential uniformity’ if Trump is removed from the ballot in at least one state,” the report added.

“It’s a distinct possibility that he’s removed from the ballot in at least one state, which may force the Supreme Court to consider the case,” Muller went on to tell the DCNF. “There is still a lot of uncertainty about how this will play out over the next several months.”

Von Spakovsky pointed out that this issue might have already made its way to the Supreme Court.

“An individual who launched a campaign to be the Republican 2024 presidential nominee, John Anthony Castro, filed a petition with the Supreme Court in August after his Florida lawsuit claiming Trump should be removed under the 14th Amendment was dismissed due to lack of standing,” the article noted.

“The lower courts ruled that Castro doesn’t have standing to raise such a claim, but we don’t know if the Court will take up the case,” von Spakovsky commented.

Castro has inquired of the court regarding whether a candidate running for political office has the ability to challenge the eligibility of another candidate who is running against him in a party primary. He has already filed lawsuits on this topic in 14 different states.

The justices are set to consider taking Castro’s case during the long conference that is scheduled for Sept. 26.

Copyright 2023.


  1. Seems to me these lawsuits are invalid since President Trump has not been tried or found guilty of
    insurrection. This would make him guilty of hearsay.
    You tell me we are not living in a Communist country.

  2. How about him providing aid and support to insurrectionists? You seem to be overlooking that fact. I’d rather not have a dictatorship since that’s what he’s running for. He’s guilty of everything he’s been indicted for, everybody knows it, the MAGATs just don’t give a damn about our country. If you don’t like living in this country, get the hell out.

    • Based on what you said the DNC and hole Democratic Party is guilty of insurrection by giving support to the Russia Russia Russia and crossfire hurricane issues and false filings in a FICA court. So if they don’t like living in a free country, get out! We are free to vote for who we want not to let the dictator democrats tell us who or who isn’t qualified.

  3. For all the Republicans who proclaim that they will never vote for Trump, tell us all why the Democrats are jumping out of their skins to keep him off the ballot, and tell us why the Democrats fear Trump so much. All the other Republican candidates for President are promising the people that they will do everything that Trump has already done once before, and can do again, because he already knows how to get it done, which will save a lot of time returning the USA and the American people to the prosperity that he once gave them before, and that they direly want again.

    I am an old man, but in all my life I have never seen a US economy better than when Trump was President, and I know that for 8 years Obama kept the US economy in stagnation, because Obama got the GDP into a positive number not by creating a great economy and putting people back to work, but by infusing the US economy with more than $1 trillion dollars of welfare money than had been given out before, more than the US had ever needed before, by Obama averaging $1.4 trillion in welfare payments for all 8 years he was President.

    In Bush’s last year as President, welfare payments for the total of the year reached just over $300 billion.
    When Obama claimed he brought the US economy out of the recession and into a recovery after only 5 months in office, the liberal biased mainstream media claimed that the US economy was in a jobless recovery, as the only reason the unemployment rate went down was because Obama was dropping more than a million unemployed people from the “US Workforce” every year of all the 8 years he was President, but with more than over a trillion dollars in welfare infusion ever given out before, kept the GDP in a positive number, while Obama was President, except for just one quarter where the GDP went negative, out of Obama’s 8 years as President.

    When Trump became President, he stopped the stagnation through all of his very successful policies and agendas, and started creating millions of jobs, which the federal government had to add back those over 8 million unemployed people that Obama had dropped from the “US Workforce”, or the unemployment rate would have went into a negative number for the first time in US history, which should be an impossibility, as Trump created more jobs and had more people with jobs, than at any time in US history, which was a real and true economic recovery.

    But not only were there more people with jobs than at any other time in US history, the wages and salaries were increasing tremendously, and the inflation rate for all of Trump’s 4 years as President totaled only 7.7%, while Biden had a 6% inflation rate just in his first year in office, and 7.5% inflation rate in his second year, and is projected to have 6.5% inflation rate in his third year, for a total of a 20% inflation rate for only 3 years in office, and is projected to have at least an 8% inflation rate in his final year in office, unless a recession lowers Biden’s inflation rate for that last year in office.

    That is why the Democrats hate trump and fear him so much, they can’t stand the comparisons of what Trump achieves for the American people, compared to what Obama didn’t achieve, and all the terrible things that Biden is achieving with his “Bidenomics”, as all the American people are suffering financially under Biden’s and the Democrats rule of the federal government. The Democrats know the people can discern these facts and the people prefer to return to the Trump Presidential days with a Republican controlled US Congress, instead of having to go through another 4 years of Biden Presidential days with a Democrat controlled US Congress, and this is why the Democrats are so scared of Trump and are trying everything they can to keep Trump off of the 2024 Presidential ballots in all the states.

    The Democrats are making this a very shameful time for the USA, but they are showing the American people what they really are, and the American people can also see all the fear they have for Trump. The historians know what is going on and they will expose the Democrats for what they really are when writing our history of this time. If I proclaimed what the Democrats really are, this comment would be censored, if it already won’t be censored for telling everyone the truth and exposing the Democrats for what they really are by what they are attempting to do, prevent the American people from voting for the man that most Americans want for their President, for that is the only way the Democrats know that they can beat Trump and prevent most of the American people from having their choice of who our President will be.

  4. Mr. Biden is presently showing signs that he will not be fit to serve the end of this term and definitely will not be able to serve a complete second term. The democrats are doing their best to hide this truth but everyday there is coverage showing the lack of mental facilities to continue to this term. Trump has a proven track record of running the United States in a prosperous manner. The Democrats are giving the country away. They are providing billions upon billions to other countries while Social Security looks to be going broke. Just think if some of those billions would have been used to fund the SSA payments to United States retirees legitimately due the funds. And those recipients are legally eligible to receive the funds’ If a president or the chambers of congress attempt to provide SSA funds to illegal aliens, It should automatically end their terms in public office including never being able to serve in government again.

  5. Remember…… The Post of the President, is the ONLY SINGLE POST, where EVERY LEGAL & LEGITIMATE CITIZEN exercises his/her right to select THE PRESIDENT….. & a single “opinionated retard from florida, seeks to keep that CITIZEN, away from the opportunity & previlege, to seek an ELECTION…. LET THE PEOPLE DECIDE….. NOT, ONE DEMENTED INDIVIDUAL…PERIOD…..


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