Trump-Hating Rep. Adam Kinzinger Gets ‘Certified Letter’ From Family Disowning Him

(Congress Report) – A former lawmaker, now an influencer on social media, recently received some sad news from his family members. Though, in all honesty, he kind of, sort of, brought it on himself. The one-time Rep. Adam Kinzinger has stated that members within his family have officially disowned him, he revealed during an interview with the top purveyors of fake news in the world, CNN.

Kinzinger, who is rabidly anti-Trump, commented that they not only disowned him, but made it all very official. It wasn’t like they simply sent him a Facebook message saying they didn’t want to speak to him again. No, this was an actual certified letter expressing he was no longer a member of their family. Ouch. Well, I mean, on the flip side, he won’t have to worry about an awkward Thanksgiving dinner ruined by political talk, right?

“So, I had family that sent a certified letter disowning me,” Kinzinger noted, as per Richard Moorehead of The Western Journal.

“The former Illinois member of Congress claimed his family had been dissuaded away from him — due to the remarks of Fox News television personality Sean Hannity,” Moorehead wrote.

“They said I’ve lost the trust of great men like Sean Hannity, which is funny, but they believe that,” he continued.

The family is livid with Kinzinger and they went so far as to accuse him of having allegiances to demonic entities. That’s definitely going to sting.

“They said I was a member of the devil’s army,” he added.

What in the world could have made Kinzinger’s family despise him so badly? Well, for starters, he voted in favor of impeaching former President Donald Trump. That really seemed to have put him on their bad side.

He’s also a very ardent supporter of President Joe Biden and is supporting his 2024 run for the White House if Trump becomes the GOP nominee.

“Kinzinger announced his retirement from Congress in 2021. Kinzinger’s district was partitioned in accordance with Illinois’ state redistricting process, according to Politico. New districts less favorable to Kinzinger’s electoral prospects left the Democrat-friendly legislator without a clear path to re-election,” Moorehead penned in his article.

Kinzinger is notorious for posting heated messages on social media platform X that target both Trump and Republicans who support him, causing schism and feuds over and over again. Seems to be a rather lucrative hustle, otherwise he wouldn’t waste his time.

During the interview with CNN, he never disclosed which of his family members sent the letter.

Copyright 2023.


  1. his lack of guts or humility, made him the congressmen wimp he is flaky and not worth of having sat in the Congress he can find his friends among the Squad and other flaky congress people or take care of his former constituency in Illinois he simply did nothing for them.

    Well Deserved.

  2. Wonder why Kissmyassinger is and was so upset with President Trump? Maybe Kissmyassinger is/was a RINO to begin with! His family should have disowned him for acting the way he has, maybe even file a civil suit! Ha! The Idiot.
    I still have yet to understand the hate that lots of the left and RINOs have for President Trump. This hate has been from the very start. What did he do to them? I know he was an “outsider”, but so what! Yeah, he is a bit arrogant, but I think that helps his position as president. I always told a lot of many of my friends that if I didn’t know better I would have thought Trump had been a pipeline welder at one time in his life due to his attitude and saying things really before he thinks it out!

  3. I would do the same thing. He is an embarrassment to the family name. Would also want him to change from Kitzinger to Midfinger.

  4. It is so sad that this family has let this separate them. Just goes to show a lot of hateful ppl in the world not to mention seems honestly is a thing of the past with some.maybe one day things will change for the better.a lot of things I don’t like but my family comes first and always will.Trump has done lots of things and are getting away with it.the average person like myself would be behind bars.guess when you are rich it makes a I will continue to do the right thing.treat ppl with respect.blessings to all Ret Veteran!!

    • Trump raised really clean cut, moral kids and made them work hard. They always rode coach. Many erroneous things said about him. I read a story purported as true about his taking lunch with the blue collar workers who were constructing one of his buildings. He has been very forthright in building his brand and paying his debts. No wings, but an every man’s man.

  5. That’s sort of sad – It would have been nice to see family members push his weasely face into the pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving.

  6. Is this man so stupid that he does not #1 know that our USA is NOT a democracy, it is a Consitutional Republic. #2 he thinks the democrats are seeking a democracy in the USA or he is so blinded by falsehoods that he actually does not realize that the “authoritariansm” is what the democrat party wants and is seeking.


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