Scandal Alert! Bidens Heading For ‘Serious Felony Convictions’

(Congress Report) – Victor Davis Hanson, a historian with the Hoover Institution located at Stanford University and writer for The Daily Signal, recently penned an article warning his fellow Americans that our current commander-in-chief, Joe Biden, along with the Justice Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, are headed in a diabolical direction, one that will inevitably lead to the subverting of the American legal system. We’ve seen plenty of evidence over the course of the last several years to support that claim.

Hanson said there are a number of ways these governmental entities and the individuals in positions of power are undermining the tradition of self-reported income tax computation and the notion of voluntary compliance with tax law.

“Our tax institutions, of course, are based on the real deterrence of a disinterested, uncompromised Internal Revenue Service. Without it, the income revenues of the United States are existentially threatened. So far, any negative reputation of the IRS has rested with natural complaints that it is too zealous in hounding out American taxpayers in all walks of life. Or citizens often object that the IRS must enforce a tax code that is innately unfair,” Hanson stated in the piece.

The historian then asked if we’ve ever known the IRS to be under such a heavy shadow of corruption as it is today? Has there ever been a time when there was such a blatant discrepancy between enforcement of tax law for the so-called “elites” and the average, every day American? I think we all know the answer to that don’t we? The Biden administration has made it crystal clear that as long as you have the right connections and push their agenda, you won’t face harsh consequences for disregarding the law.

Hanson noted that many Americans might falsely believe that, “If Joe Biden, president of the United States, and his criminally minded son can get away with avoiding millions of dollars in taxes, then should not I, a nobody, at least have the right to avoid hundreds of dollars in taxes?”

Yeah, sorry, but we’re now under a two-tiered system of justice. What’s good for the goose, as it turns out, is not actually good for the gander.

“The current president of the United States, despite his monotonous calls for the well-off to ‘pay their fair share,’ likely has deliberately connived to avoid taxes on sizable amounts of unreported, taxable foreign income. In the case of his son, ‘likely’ is an unneeded adverb,” he added.

Time and time again, the president has lied about his involvement in Hunter’s corrupt business dealings. We know he’s telling whoppers because, as Hanson notes, there is photographic evidence of Joe Biden with his son Hunter’s known business associates. That’s not all. We also have sworn statements from a former business partner, along with many other pieces of evidence from the now infamous laptop, plus disclosures from FBI documents and testimony from IRS whistleblowers. Despite being caught with his hand in the cookie jar, Biden still refuses to admit the truth and keeps covering for his wayward son.

“It is almost beyond belief, but increasingly likely, that Hunter Biden in the past conducted his illicit business over the phone in the presence, and with the complicity, of the current president himself. And the full trove of evidence is still trickling in,” Hanson declared in his report. “This sordid scenario is part of the larger Biden criminal landscape. Joe and Hunter may well have received $10 million from Chinese consortia for doing nothing other than monetizing Joe Biden’s vice presidency and his apparent trajectory to the presidency at the time.”

Hanson then asserted that there’s zero doubt Hunter Biden was paid an obscene amount out of money by Ukrainian energy company Burisma. And the reason he was given such a high payout is because of his dear old dad, who at the time was the vice president. Joe Biden was willing to flex his political muscle in order to do favors for the company like some low-rent version of Don Corleone from “The Godfather.”

We know this is true, Hanson says, because we have, on record, then-Vice President Joe Biden bragging about his power and influence by telling how he had a Ukrainian prosecutor fired from his position by threatening to withhold aid that was approved for Ukraine.

All because the prosecutor was digging into allegations of corruption against Burisma, where Hunter Biden was a member of the board.

“Note well: The U.S. House of Representatives impeached President Donald Trump on two grounds: one, an allegation that Trump used his office to threaten to delay (not to cancel) Ukrainian military aid; and, two, that Trump did so to harm a potential political rival in the next election,” Hanson remarked. “Joe Biden has now trumped Trump on both counts.”

Hanson went on to explain, “One, Biden is involved in criminal enterprises with his entire family, whose shakedown payouts from Ukrainian moneyed interests depended on precisely the current president’s past willingness to use his office (then as vice president) to strong-arm Ukrainian officials. Two, Biden did not so much seek only to uncover wrongdoing by Trump, his likely presidential rival, as to have Trump indicted by his own Justice Department for alleged violations of presidential records statutes.”

Biden himself has removed classified documents from the White House. Which, we’ve been told, is a crime. So why isn’t he facing charges like Trump? Because we now live in a country with a two-tiered system of justice where the elite and powerful can practically get away with murder. Just ask Hillary Clinton. Hanson provides us with a prime example of this corrupt legal system.

“We now also have good reason to believe that Biden’s attorney general, Garland, both himself and through his subordinates, used power unlawfully to sidetrack Justice Department attorneys from legitimately and fully investigating Joe Biden, and/or to delay and obfuscate the full prosecution of Hunter Biden,” he wrote in his op-ed. “The result is that Hunter Biden successfully used his family influence to escape taxes on hundreds of thousands of dollars of disguised income through manipulating statute-of-limitations laws.”

For many years now, the younger son of the president has managed to get away with not paying his taxes. He’s done this by making false claims of loans along with other deceitful scams. If you or I did this, we’d be sporting new wardrobes made of orange.

Joe Biden and his administration have been bending over backwards to appease the Chinese government. Why? Could it be because of the past lucrative deals between Hunter Biden and companies connected to the Chinese Communist Party, where he has been selling political influence for fat paydays?

“The American people are bewildered over why the Biden administration is appeasing the Chinese government. It keeps insisting, contrary to evidence, that bilateral relations are in great shape—after China’s successful and unapologetic overt espionage efforts by sending a spy balloon across sensitive areas of the United States. China has defiantly stonewalled any request to explain how and why a porous Chinese virology lab incompetently let escape a gain-of-function virus, a virtual bioweapon, that killed over a million Americans and sickened over 300 million,” Hanson continued.

Look how brazen China has become. Many of the country’s military fighter jets now try to provoke our own over the South China Sea. They are constantly threatening to use nuclear weapons if the U.S. should try to intervene and provide protection for Taiwan. Why are there no consequences for disrespecting the most powerful nation on earth?

See Biden and Son’s business ventures for the explanation.

If the Biden family is not held to account for their misdeeds, it could cause a collapse of faith and trust in the American justice system which would lead to a kind of societal fallout that we’ve not seen before in the history of our nation.

Copyright 2023.


  1. The only time the Bidens will face any serious justice will be if the Democrat/Communists have no more use for them. Until then they will be protected from any serious consequences.

  2. Have to remember that the bidens are democrats and are impervious from charges that we regular people would face. Marine Bob

  3. Thank you Victor Hanson. Through his whole political career .(50 + years) Joe Biden has been selling his Office’s influence but always using a family member to receive the payment, Jame Biden, Jill Biden, Hunter Biden and others. What functions does the “Justice Department” perform when it is a member of the “Executive’s” cabinet ? A. Run interference for the “Executive Branch” from obeying the Laws. The “Dept. of Justice” should be under the Supreme Court, independent from any partisan group (party).

  4. “Scandal Alert! Bidens Heading For ‘Serious Felony Convictions’.” Based upon what precedent? There is no record of any criminal Democrat having committed felonies being prosecuted and convicted. Hillary Clinton is the primary example. The DOJ & FBI are never going to touch Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, or his family. Biden is hands off.

  5. So, if everyone is supposed to know this stuff, why isn’t there any action taken to correct these
    wicked deeds? Everyone complains about them, but they still remain unscathed. Doesn’t anyone have the authority to tell these horrible people their life-style is corrupt and they are destined to be in big serious trouble? Which actually should have taken place before now.


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