Michelle Obama Raked In $741K For One-Hour Speech On “Diversity And Inclusion”: Source

(Congress Report) – The one thing you can count on in life — besides death and taxes — is that during a major downward trending economy, rich politicians will find many ways to fill their coffers and ensure they stay swimming in cash while the rest of the country struggles to live paycheck-to-paycheck. A prime example of that is former first lady Michelle Obama, who just banked a whopping $741,000 for delivering a one-hour speech at a tech fair held in Munich, Germany on Monday.

The vast majority of us will never see that kind of money at one time in our entire lifetimes, despite working 60 to 80 hours a week. Obama makes a speech, which she likely didn’t even write, for an hour, and walks away with close to a million dollars. It’s unreal. These people are out of touch with regular Americans and are not fit to serve in public office. Sure, Obama doesn’t have an official title right now, but there’s lots of talk about a potential presidential bid for her at some point in the future.

“The 59-year-old picked up the eye-watering check for speaking to a start-up event held on the sidelines of the annual Oktoberfest beer festival, two sources close to the conference organizers said,” the Daily Mail reported. “According to the event’s webpage, the ex-attorney was set to speak to some 5,000 attendees on how to ‘push past self-doubt while discussing the importance of inclusivity and diversity.'”

“The Harvard graduate will be paid 700,000 euros for her appearance at the three-day love-in for European entrepreneurs, which is roughly the equivalent of $741,000. Organizers said Mrs. Obama had ‘topped the list’ of people that participants wanted to take part ‘year after year,'” the Daily Mail continued.

For context, the payday Obama pulled in is twice the yearly salary that President Joe Biden makes. The folks at Axios previously reported that Michelle Obama speaking engagements could be booked for the low price of $200,000, while her hubby, former President Barack Obama could be booked for double that price.

What a deal, right? Bargain basement prices.

“Her fellow speakers include Oliver Kahn, a former German soccer star turned entrepreneur. The Bits & Pretzels conference is set over three days and hears from founders of national and international companies that tell their success stories, as well as guest speakers like Michelle Obama. Michelle Obama was the United States’ First Lady from January 2009 to January 2017, when her husband Barack served two consecutive terms as the commander-in-chief,” the Daily Mail stated.

“She has been mooted in recent months as a possible alternative candidate to Joe Biden, 80, if he decided to pull out of the 2024 presidential race amid concerns over his cognitive abilities. Democrat Party bigwigs are worried that Biden could end up losing to resurgent GOP frontrunner Donald Trump,” it continued.

Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz is fully convinced that the former first lady is preparing for a run at the presidency, despite the repeated denials she’s made when asked if that’s her intention.

‘Here’s the scenario that I think is perhaps most likely, and most dangerous,’ the hardcore conservative constitutional expert remarked on his podcast. ‘In August of 2024, the Democrat kingmakers jettison Joe Biden and parachute in Michelle Obama.’

And there’s definitely a large group of folks who would likely support her in such an endeavor. A poll released by YouGov revealed that 77 percent of Americans still have a favorable opinion of the former first lady, compared with only 15 percent who don’t. A total of 71 percent of those surveyed and half of all Democrats believe Biden is too old for the job.

The stage is set for a Michelle Obama run, but whether she does or not we’ll have to wait and find out.

Copyright 2023. CongressReport.com


  1. Mike Obama is nothing but a terrorist just is all the rest of the Marxist so-called Democrats are. The only thing Michelle Obama is extra is a black racist to the core of her soul if she has one!

  2. What could SHE possibly have to say worth that much money? Sounds more like a money laundry scheme like Hunter’s painting.

  3. Good for her. If it were trump the headline would read how smart he is for taking the deal. What do you people care. It was in Germany.

  4. Sounds like the 15 % nay sayers who don’t like her have spoken. Sounds to me that it is more than 15%.if she runs and wins, we will just have another 4 years of barack. That would make 16 years of barack.

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