GOING VIRAL: Dem Rep Says She Needs More Illegal Aliens For ‘Redistricting’ Purposes

(Congress Report) – Many Republicans, lawmakers and activists alike, have been trying to sound the alarm about the border crisis ever since Joe Biden was sworn into office and essentially adopted an open border policy that has allowed millions of illegal aliens to flood into the country, stating that this is all part of a strategy to help Democrats win future elections. The response to this warning has been predictable with liberals screaming “racist” at the top of their lungs.

If you’ve been labeled a bigot for calling out this obvious move by radical Democrats, fear not my friends, you are about to be vindicated.

A new report from RedState has revealed that a video is now circulating featuring Democratic New York Rep. Yvette Clarke saying, “I need more people in my district just for redistricting people.” You can guess what kind of people she’s referring to here.

“That went viral on X with over 30 million views, with many commenting that this was why Democrats don’t want to secure the border or stop illegal aliens from coming in, that they want them for purposes of redistricting and that she was saying ‘the quiet part out loud.’ More people in a district can mean you are allocated more seats,” the report says.

Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott was infuriated by Clarke’s comments and let his feelings be known in no uncertain terms in a post on X/Twitter.

Abbott wasn’t the only one ticked off by Clarke’s statement. Former Bush official Ari Fleischer also weighed in.

“Even X owner Elon Musk asked if this was legal — could illegal aliens be counted this way to help with redistricting? Then Clarke weighed in on the response to her remarks,” RedState wrote.

It’s important to note the video is from two years ago when our nation was experiencing a massive influx of Haitians and the false story about Haitians being whipped by border agents first came out. The clip was taken from a virtual meeting of the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

RedState explains, “In the following video, you can see her talking about the way the Haitians were treated — a reference to that false story. But the greater ‘context’ that she’s talking about seems to be missing. It’s still the same context of illegal aliens coming in and her response is still her response. You can decide yourself. The video isn’t long and the clip with the part we’re talking about starts around 5:12.”

Clarke also said that Brooklyn needs more people. RedState points out that the congresswoman must be absolutely clueless as to the plight facing her city right now. They are having an extremely difficult time accommodating illegals who are already pouring into the area. They simply do not possess the resources to handle additional people.

The article finished, “The mayor is up in arms and they’re keeping them in an unsustainable condition in tents in a field in Brooklyn. Then they booted the kids of James Madison High School out of their classes and any other activities for the day because they had 2,000 illegal aliens staying in the gym of the high school Tuesday night. The parents were not happy — perhaps Clarke would like to share her ‘context’ with them.”

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