Ex-CIA Director: Intel Community May Withhold ‘Sensitive’ Info From Trump

(Congress Report) – Former CIA Director John Brennan sat down for an interview with MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace last Thursday evening where he revealed the intelligence community might try to withhold “sensitive” information from Trump, even if he is confirmed as the Republican Party nominee. The deep state is always finding some new avenue of attack, aren’t they? Anything to stop Trump from coming out victorious in the general election and once again taking up residence in the White House.

“The MSNBC senior national security and intelligence analyst, expressed his belief that Trump will be briefed on some national security information – according to the 72-year tradition of sitting administrations tapping U.S. intelligence officials to brief the presidential candidates of major political parties – however, he will not get highly sensitive information,” Fox News reported.

One of the excuses that Brennan offered for not allowing Trump to access intelligence information is his indictment for allegedly mishandling classified documents, making the suggestion that if the former president had access to such information, he might abuse it. Hey, Biden did the exact same thing and yet, here we are. No one is making a fuss about him being made privy to classified information and we’re talking about a man inherently suffering from dementia as well. It seems to me that guy would pose more of a danger than Trump.

“Brennan’s assessment came in response to Wallace bringing up a new Politico article detailing how U.S. intelligence officials are planning to brief Trump but have reservations due to ‘his handling of classified information,'” the piece noted.

The article then said that the “normally humdrum decision was fraught with unusual risk this year due to the pending court case and Trump’s historically cavalier attitude toward national security information.”

Brennan went on to tell Wallace, “It’s somewhat surreal that an individual who is under indictment for mishandling classified information is going to be getting classified intelligence briefings.”

“He acknowledged that it is ‘tradition’ for sitting presidents to offer these briefings, and thus ‘it makes sense’ for Biden to do so. However, the former CIA boss hinted that intelligence leaders will not be giving particularly sensitive information that Trump could abuse,” Fox divulged.

“Now, I’m pretty certain that my former intelligence colleagues will provide briefings that are not going to do any type of damage to sources and methods in terms of providing information to Donald Trump that he could misuse,” Brennan stated.

The former director of the CIA then provided details concerning what might be included in a Trump briefing, going on to say, “But they will provide analytic overviews and briefings about some of the world’s hot spots, letting Donald Trump know what the assessments are at this point.”

He remarked, “I think it’s going to be analysis that will be devoid of the sources and methods, the sensitive things that we are most concerned about, the types of things that were in all those documents that he had in the bathroom and all those areas in Mar-a-Lago.”

Brennan finished by stating that once Trump accepts the briefings, “he probably will disparage them as he has disparaged U.S. intelligence officers as well as U.S. intelligence itself for so long over so many years.”

This isn’t the first time Brennan has tried to spin a narrative of Trump compromising U.S. intelligence and serving as a foreign agent. He continually pushed the now debunked theory that Trump was working closely with Russia to cheat and win the election against twice-failed Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.

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  1. Joe Clueless Biden thinks he’s been a truck driver and talks to dead people. He can’t remember where he leaves his speaking notes, and can’t speak clearly when he does have them. He likely doesn’t remember leaving classifies docs on the garage floor. Perhaps he already took bribe money for them. His Inflation Reduction Act had no means of reducing inlation. This guy needs the nursing home, not the highest office in the world.

  2. Biden gets classified briefings and he stole classified documents as senator n vp with no authority to possess them

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