Biden Secretly Selling Off Parts Of Trump’s Border Wall

(Congress Report) – A brand new report reveals that the Biden administration has been sneakily auctioning off millions of dollars worth of unused parts that were originally going to be used for former President Donald Trump’s border wall.

An article published by the New York Post says, “Since April, GovPlanet, an online auction house specializing in military surplus, has sold 81 lots of steel ‘square structural tubes’ — intended for use as vertical bollards in the border barrier’s 30-foot-tall panels — hauling in about $2 million. On Tuesday, GovPlanet netted $154,200 for 729 of the 28-foot-tall hollow beams, sold in five separate lots for an average $212 apiece. Thirteen more lots are set to be auctioned on Aug. 23 and Aug. 30.”

However, in July, as one part of the annual defense appropriations package, the Senate — led by leftist Democrats — passed a GOP sponsored bill that was aimed at pushing Biden to actually take action to stem the tide of the border crisis by extending the length of the wall.

The NY Post disclosed that almost $300 million worth of taxpayer funded components have been just sitting there, rusting away, since Joe Biden took over the Oval Office, according to Republicans.

“The Finish It Act will make the feds use those materials on new wall construction — or hand the remaining stock over to states like Texas for use in their own border defense projects. Now, the Biden administration is rushing to get rid of the wall leftovers before the GOP-led House can pass a matching version of the bill and make it law, critics told The Post,” Mary Kay Linge, Matthew Sedacca, and Jon Levine wrote in the Post.

“This sale is a wasteful and ludicrous decision by the Biden administration that only serves as further proof they have no shame,” Sen. Roger Wicker (R-Miss.), the bill’s sponsor, went on to tell The Post — slamming the move as “outrageous, behind-the-scenes maneuvering.”

“Leaving the border open to terrorists while selling border security materials at a loss is Bidenomics in a nutshell,” Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), a co-sponsor of the legislation, asserted.

“The pennies made from selling the border wall will not be enough to pay the families who suffer from a criminal act committed by someone who crossed our open borders during the Biden administration,” Oklahoma Sen. James Lankford remarked.

Another Republican who was very displeased with the tactics being employed by the Biden administration was Rep. Elise Stefanik of New York who referred to the fire sale as being “reckless.”

“Our borders continue to be overrun by an unprecedented number of illegal immigrants, turning every district into a border district, and compromising our national security.” Stefanik commented.

The GovPlanet auction started to really gain steam in May, when Wicker first introduced the Finish It Act and it once again increased just this month, mere days after the defense bill was passed in the Senate.

A spokesman for the Defense Department identified the tubes, which are being held in an outdoor storage lot in Pima County, Arizona, labeling them “excess border wall materials.”

“The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers … has already transferred approximately $154 million worth of the roughly $260 million of bollard panels and other materials,” noted Lt. Col. Devin T. Robinson, who employed the use of Defense Department lingo for the process of consigning military surplus items to commercial resellers or the trash heap.

“Profits from the sale flow back to the Pentagon’s budget. But GovPlanet is under strict instructions to keep the border-wall connection hush-hush,” the piece continued.

“We are legally not allowed to mention these are the border wall materials, or we could lose our jobs,” a GovPlanet source went on to inform the Daily Upside, a financial newsletter that first reported the ongoing sales.

Those who viewed the company’s Instagram profile containing pictures of the tubes were not fooled by the fact that they tried to avoid detailing the actual purpose for the materials.

“Good for building a wall,” a user named ‘honest_jake’ posted Aug. 3 on GovPlanet’s Instagram post touting the sale of ‘industrial steel tubing’— an entry that was removed from the social platform on Friday.

“Why don’t you put that up instead of selling it,” Brian Prewitt stated. “This is why taxpayers are just about done paying taxes.”

Biden does not want to act on the current border crisis because the left is trying to shift the demographics in this country to ensure they have a massive advantage in future elections. Bring over illegals, hook them on free stuff, fill them with propaganda that says the GOP wants to take away their welfare benefits, ensure they can vote illegally, and bus them to the polls.

It’s a sick and twisted strategy that treats people like political pawns instead of human beings. This is why the wall was never finished and the border crisis remains unchecked. And it’s one more reason why we need to see Biden voted out of office in 2024.

Copyright 2023.


  1. What a joke! These are materials that were meant to secure our border and The Biden Mob is selling
    it off at less than scrap value? This is a crime! Can’t anyone stop this? The Biden Mob is only concerned
    about their inner circle not the millions of lawful American citizens that work hard every day and pay their
    taxes! ” Lie Telling Joe” needs to go along with his band of misfit appointees!

  2. What needs moderation? Come on AOL! Let the truth be told. We are all being lied to on several fronts
    by this administration! Quit playing the liberal woke game!

  3. Those parts have been sitting in storage since trumps first year in office doing absolutely nothing. If trump sold them you would be saying it was a brilliant business move but since a democrat is selling off useless metal instead of continuing to feed into trumps idiotic pipe dream all you meatheads got your panties in a bunch. If you actually looked into this you would see that once trump got elected he really had no use actually tightening the borders because then he wouldn’t have anything to blame the democrats for. That’s why for 3 years BEFORE Biden was even elected this has been sitting in storage and was ordered for use before trump took office. He had the materials already there and did nothing with them so why don’t you get mad that your perfect president loser did nothing with said materials? Oh yeah because every thing he fails to do is someone else’s fault. He’s like a spoiled petulant toddler that’s in constant need of attention. I can’t believe all the over the top phony outrage these sites put out when trump and his family were constantly committing actual crimes on a daily basis and no Republican said a thing. Daily violations of the hatch act, emoluments clause, asking favors from foreign enemy’s, love letters from North Korea and Russia, and don’t forget he’s a puppet of the only country that ever might have had a chance against the us in war(and with a president beholden to their leader that puts us way behind, especially when holding private meetings and showing off his classified documents). Oh also he’s on video and audio saying that he blatantly stole classified documents to use as leverage. And you idiots are concerned about lawful government sales? You don’t get that to indict a former president you need irrefutable evidence or else it will look like communist China? There’s 4 seperate cases going on and if the us really wanted to crack down they could charge him for another several. And nobody here thinks THAT is a problem? He’s a fucking lunatic crook that thinks he is above the law. At least Nixon had enough pride to see he was caught and left peacefully. Trump incited an insurrection at the capitol. I know this is going to go over most of your heads because I didn’t write it in crayon and put “sad!” After a few buzzwords but seriously wake up. This is a person that would push over his own wife to escape a burning building, he doesn’t care about you. It doesn’t bother you that his first two years in office he paid NOTHING in taxes? Oh yeah and he didn’t donate his presidential salary, another lie. Not like bill clinton did and Barack Obama did, trump just said he was going to and quietly kept it.swell fella.

    • Poor Dan! Sounds like you do not care about any other person in this country at all. Much less the country itself. What about all the people who have lost family members due to people who should not be in this country in the first place? The US border is an extension of your own home unless you never realized that. Have the supplies to ‘finish’ the wall been sitting since Biden pulled the greatest coup in the history of the US – yes. Whose fault would that be? I’m going with the democrat party with their mentally insufficient head puppet — biden. Get a grip on the tax issue. This is a man that has been audited and audited again – investigated and investigated again — he uses the tax codes on the books that are LEGAL for any one to utilize, if he pays little to no taxes then it has to be done legally. Need anyone remind you that he is the only person to ever be POTUS that has lost money since he took office? Seems to be it should bother you more that a person – say, Clinton, Obama and Biden – all democrats – got much, much richer and turned into millionaires using their offices to do so? The crook that you describe isn’t named Trump, it has come out lately that that person would indeed be Biden and he sold access to himself thru his own son, Hunter, and passed policies to favor foreign entities for profit. Unless you didn’t know, which is obvious, that is illegal.

      • You seriously think he lost money when he went golfing every weekend at his golf course and his entire secret service detail had to pay for hiked up room rates that went directly in his pocket at the taxpayers expense? Every weekend he went to one of HIS places and THE GOVERNMENT had to pay HIM to stay there. That’s not a bit crooked? And that’s just his weekends when he wasn’t causing insurrections or getting on his knees for a russian dictator that had dirt on him and he owed LOTS of money to. The investigation files are there, they found evidence of “kompromat” which is basically Russian for compromising material. Meaning he was compromised by a U.S. enemy. And you keep talking like the idiot is some kind of god. He’s a moron and he doesn’t give a fuck about you or America. All he cares about is his own fragile ego and you sheep just believe everything he said. Why do you think he tried so hard to keep his taxes secret? You don’t think that a self reported billionaire should pay taxes? YOU AND I BOTH PAID MORE IN TAXES THAN THAT PIECE OF SHIT AND THAT DOESNT BOTHER YOU!? Boy you really drank the Fox News kool aid. I feel sorry for your children

    • You would do yourself a great service if you realized that Biden and his administration are the crooks and you have been assigned useful idiot status for defending them and continuing to support them. If you and your friends do not wake up to the lies and propaganda Biden and dem leaders have fed you for years, you will be with the rest of us having to pledge allegiance to the chinese communists, who are sitting with baited breath just waiting for you useful idiots to vote any democrat into the WH in 2024. Prove me wrong. Our Constitutional rights are being decimated. Look at what dem morons are doing to the law in trying to railroad Trump and his associates into jail – to prevent any free and fair election. If they continue to decimate all of our legal rights, election rights and personal rights, it will be you and your dem friends who did it to us. Wake up!!

  4. Dan, You are no doubt a piece of work. You obviously don’t care about your fellow man or what the democrats have done to this country in the last years. Just look at the unions affected by the stoppage of oil production and gas and reserves sold off etc. etc. You are a fool!

  5. Who would be buying these? Does Biden have a wall around his beach house yet? Around his Willmington house yet? These parts belong to America and should be left there to complete the wall when the kangaroo court loving communist biden admin leaves office next year.

  6. Those materials belong to us, the taxpayers. They were never Trump’s, and they certainly aren’t bidens. Biden is, once again, a crook.
    And Dan, as an aside, i like to think that trump would have finished the wall if the democrats hadn’t tied him up in knots like a pretzel with all their bogus accusations and demonizations.

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