Media Ignore Jill Biden’s Heels At Hurricane Site… Grilled Melania Trump For The Same Attire In 2017

(Congress Report) – If there’s one thing we can say about the mainstream media propagandists who clearly work for the Democratic Party, at least in some fashion, it’s that they tend to have glaring double standards that, for whatever reason, they think nobody will notice. Or they don’t care if viewers and consumers of the news notice in the first place.

A good case in point comes to us via Lindsay Kornick of Fox News, who wrote, “Several media outlets criticized Melania Trump’s fashion choice in 2017 when she left to go visit victims of a hurricane, however the same media outlets neglected to mention First Lady Jill Biden’s similar fashion choice during her post-Hurricane Ian Florida visit on Wednesday.”

“Both President Biden and his wife were photographed leaving for Florida to meet with Gov. Ron DeSantis, R-Fla., about ongoing recovery efforts following the Category 4 hurricane hitting the state. One detail some noticed in both Jill Biden’s departure and arrival photo was her choice to wear heels while visiting,” Kornick wrote.

While there were many journalists who pushed the photos of the First Lady, not a single one of them mentioned the heels she wore in their reports concerning the Bidens’ visit to Florida, which is very different from the way they handled things back in 2017 with former First Lady Melania Trump.

“In 2017, Melania Trump grabbed headlines after photos featured her departing to visit Texas after the devastation of Hurricane Harvey while wearing heels,” Fox News said.

“The New York Times described her look with the headline ‘Melania Trump, Off to Texas, Finds Herself on Thin Heels.’ Vogue wrote, ‘Melania Trump’s Hurricane Stilettos, and the White House’s Continual Failure to Understand Optics.’ The Washington Post also attacked the former First Lady’s wardrobe claiming she “offered up a fashion moment instead of an expression of empathy,'” Fox News continued.

Several reports did point out that Melania Trump changed from her heels into sneakers when she arrived in Texas, which is something Jill Biden did not do. She wore the same heels throughout the entire trip.

Now, in all honesty, the footwear of the first lady, Biden or Trump, isn’t a big deal. That’s the point. Melania should have never been attacked for something so silly, and neither should Jill. It’s ridiculous that the leftist media actually made this a talking point. That’s how petty they often are. Anything to attack a Trump, right?

CNN White House correspondent Kate Bennett stated in a tweet, “My point being: fashion is almost always political, especially when it comes to first ladies. There is no paradigm, only what predetermined political leanings may or may not determine. A shoe is a shoe is a shoe. And a woman can choose any she wishes.”

This kind of pettiness is what has caused folks to turn away from the Democratic Party. It’s ridiculous. So many things are going on in the country, and yet, the media would focus on these sort of things instead of reporting the truth. It’s insane.

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