AOC Says Trump Will Throw Her In Jail If He Wins

(Congress Report) – Whenever a Democrat — especially one that is a radical leftist — says the idea of former President Donald Trump beating the socks off President Joe Biden this November makes them nervous, for whatever reason, I can’t help but feel supremely satisfied. This is how every single American patriot has felt for the last three-and-a-half years as we’ve watched Biden wreck our economy and utilize the legal system against his political opponents, particularly Trump. It’s the whole “get a taste of your own medicine” thing.

According to Fox News, New York Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez recently revealed she’s terrified that if Trump wins this fall, he will toss her in prison. Gee, you know, what? That’s the same thing we on the right are afraid of, only with Biden. The thing is, you can look at Trump’s four years in the White House and see that he never persecuted his political opposition, so Ocasio-Cortez’s fears are unfounded.

The same cannot be said for Biden. Just look at what his administration and political party have done during this presidential campaign season.

AOC’s comments were made during an interview with podcast host Kara Swisher for her program, ‘On With Sara Swisher,’ which was released last Thursday. During the course of their conversation, the pair discussed tech corporations, including the tiff that AOC had with Amazon, Israel, artificial intelligence, and the 2024 election.

“I mean, it sounds nuts, but I wouldn’t be surprised if this guy threw me in jail,” she remarked. “He’s out of his mind. I mean, he did his whole first campaign around ‘lock her up.’ This is his motto.”

Ocasio-Cortez must’ve missed the part where twice-failed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton clearly violated federal law regarding proper protocols for the use of personal email accounts. Clinton really should be in prison for breaking the law. If Trump were the person accused of such a crime, he would’ve been found guilty right off the bat, regardless of how much or how little evidence existed in the case.

AOC then asserted that she takes the former president “at his word.”

“I take him at his word when he says that he’s going to round up people. I take him at his word when he threatens journalists. I take him at his word,” Ocasio-Cortez told Swisher. “I feel like what we saw in his first presidency was an amuse-bouche to what his intentions are. He has learned from his mistakes of appointing professionals, and he will not make that mistake next time.”

“Trump said during a recent interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity that critics saying he would seek retribution were wrong,” the report noted.

“Number one, they’re wrong,” Trump explained to Hannity. “It has to stop, because otherwise, we’re not going to have a country. Look, when this election is over, based on what they’ve done, I would have every right to go after them, and it’s easy, because it’s Joe Biden and you see all the criminality, all of the money that’s going into the family and him, all of this money from China, from Russia, from Ukraine.”

Later in the discussion, Swisher asked AOC if she believed Trump had a chance at winning the election after being convicted of a felony.

“Trump does absolutely have a chance to win. That is why I have thrown my support behind Biden early and I support it vociferously,” she replied. “It is unequivocal that if Donald Trump wins, we are looking at the potential dissolution of democracy in the United States of America and the question about what would happen to me or the Democratic Party is a joke compared to the question of what is going to happen to our country.”

The New York lawmaker also stated that she understands why people aren’t all that excited about Biden.

“I think when it comes to presidential elections, and especially to young people, I understand the lack of support for President Biden. And I think the demoralization around the president has caused folks to sometimes tune out on down-ballot candidates that will actually advance more alignment with their interests. And so the answer here is to get into the game, not to get out of it,” she added.

Trump was asked during a ‘FOX & Friends Weekend’ interview earlier in the month if “revenge” will be his “success.”

“These are bad people. These people are sick, and they do things that are so destructive… If it weren’t me, they’d be going after somebody else, and I know a lot of the competition,” he declared in conclusion. “They wouldn’t do so well.”

Copyright 2024.


  1. AOC has already experienced prison – at Gitmo. This AOC is so full of hot air she is pathetic. Her name is on the Gitmo detainee lists. Research it for yourselves.


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