US News

US News stories from Congress Report cover events and news in America’s backyard. Our team takes a special focus on critical developments related to Congress and the goings-on in our government.

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Speaker Nancy Pelosi Distancing Herself From Husband’s Arrest… Statement Mentions She Had Nothing To...

(Congress Report) - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband got into a car accident over the weekend and was subsequently arrested for drunk driving. Now,...

BLOCKBUSTER: ‘2000 Mules’ Film ‘Hitting Home’ With Likely American Voters

(Congress Report) - The radical Democrats who worked tirelessly in order to craft the country's largest voter fraud scheme are likely sweating bullets right...

WATCH: Informant Appearing In D’Souza’s Doc Film ‘2,000 Mules’ Details How Alleged Ballot Harvesting...

(Congress Report) - An informant who hails from the state of Arizona appeared in conservative filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza's new documentary called "2,000 Mules" and...

BOMBSHELL: The Story Of How The 2020 Election Was Stolen Is Finally Taking Shape!

(Congress Report) - The 2020 election seems like it was just yesterday yet so much time has passed and so much destruction has been...

BREAKING: Biden Moves To Give WHO Health-Care Sovereignty Over America

(Congress Report) – According to a new report from the folks over at WND, the Biden administration is proposing a set of new amendments...

Biden Reversing US Policy Toward Socialist Dictatorships, But Look What’s Happening…

(Congress Report) – Rather than upholding the age-old American tradition of cutting all ties with socialist, oppressive countries who are the opposite of everything...

BOMBSHELL: Clinton Lawyer Sought To ‘Use The FBI As A Political Tool’ Against Trump

(Congress Report) – Former Hillary Clinton attorney, Michael Sussmann, is currently standing trial for his alleged abuse of his ties to the FBI back...

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