(Congress Report) – Maryland Democrat Congressman Jamie Raskin was captured on a now viral video, where he made it clear that the real insurrection in this country will happen on Jan. 6th, 2025, should Americans vote in favor of giving former President Donald Trump another term. And yet, we’re the extremists according to the left.
M.D. Kittle with The Federalist wrote that Raskin complains in the clip about a lazy Supreme Court essentially getting in the way of the Democratic Party’s attempt to interfere in the 2024 presidential election. You have to remember, ladies and gentlemen, these people are delusional. One of their fundamental beliefs is that with “elites” in positions of power, combined with laws that demand full compliance, they can perfect humanity and create a utopia. They, in their own minds, are on a quest to save the human race. Thus, they will take any steps necessary to accomplish that goal, including cheating. After all, it’s for the greater good.
“And so [the court] want to kick it to Congress, so it’s going to be up to us on Jan. 6, 2025 to tell the rampaging Trump mobs that he’s disqualified,” Raskin went on to say during a Feb 17th panel discussion, as the Supreme Court was debating the constitutionality of the leftist Colorado secretary of state’s use of Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to take Trump off the state’s presidential primary ballot.
“And then we need bodyguards for everybody and civil war conditions all because nine justices — not all of them, but these justices who have not many cases to look at every year, not much work to do, have a huge staff, great protection — simply do not want to do their job and interpret what the great 14th Amendment means,” Raskin proclaimed while visiting a Washington, D.C. bookstore gathering of liberals.
Jamie Raskin is saying that congress will STOP Trump from taking office even if he’s chosen by the voters.
This is extremely dangerous. Every Democrat needs to be on the record about this immediately. pic.twitter.com/9IwRoGrrQu
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) August 5, 2024
“Raskin’s rant may rank among the more incendiary comments about the court since U.S. Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., unleashed his ‘release the whirlwind’ diatribe at a pro-abortion rally on the steps of the high court in 2020. The congressman’s vitriol simply cements the fact that the same people calling Trump a threat to democracy would assault the will of the people to keep the Republican from governing,” the report noted.
“Congressman Raskin continues to stoke the flames of division in this country through his use of incendiary language aimed at his political opponents, and once again proves the hypocrisy of leftists like him who slander conservatives in an attempt to mask progressives’ proclivity towards violence which has been on full display in cities and college campuses across America in recent times,” U.S. Rep. Anthony D’Esposito, R-N.Y., remarked to The Federalist on Monday evening.
When The Federalist reached out to Raskin’s office for comment, there was no response. Go figure, right? Typical. Now, if the GOP runs strong campaigns in all of their races and not just on the presidential one, they can gain control of both chambers of Congress and Raskin’s threat is completely empty. However, this gives us all a glimpse beneath the surface of the progressive movement where we see a heart blackened by hatred for their own country, especially for Trump who represents the average American that loves their nation and everything it stands for. Elitists on the left view such individuals as obstacles to fulfilling the appetite they have for power, authority, and control.
Raskin has a well established reputation for blowing off at the mouth and making fiery statements, which, in this case, he made alongside Sherrilyn Ifill, who is a left-wing law professor and formerly served as the president and director-counsel of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund. To no one’s surprise, she’s also a puppet for the infamous progressive billionaire George Soros, having served on the boards of his Open Society Foundations.
At the bookstore stop, both Raskin and Ifill were chatting about a new book from Richard Hasen, director of the Safeguarding Democracy Project at the UCLA School of Law. Hasen is an outspoken critic of any measure that would safeguard election integrity, especially voter ID laws, which most Americans consider common sense. If you aren’t a citizen of this country and are not contributing to it, but taking full advantage of the “free goodies” it offers, there’s no skin in the game for you, thus, you shouldn’t be allowed to vote and choose our leadership. Choosing leaders is picking the direction you wish the country to move toward in the future. That’s not something illegal aliens should be deciding for the rest of us.
“A Real Right to Vote: How a Constitutional Amendment Can Safeguard American Democracy, as the title implies, calls for a constitutional amendment to ‘enshrine the right to vote.’ He and his fellow leftists assert the Supreme Court historically, and particularly today’s conservative-led court, has been ‘no friend of the people,'” Kittle penned.
Kittle continued, “Acknowledging that ‘the path to a constitutional amendment is undoubtedly hard,’ Hasen insists that changing the constitution by outlawing fundamental state election integrity laws is the way to save democracy. In the meantime, militant-sounding Democrats believe they’re on a righteous mission to save democracy — even if it means destroying it. Their dire warnings bounded into the absurd.”
“I absolutely believe that this year is critical to whether or not we are a democracy this time next year having a conversation in this room, having this conversation, which will be allowed in this place but there will be many places in this country where it’s not allowed,” Ifill went on to predict. “Should we get past next year as a democracy this is the work we should be doing.”
All of this took place just days before SCOTUS was going to hand down a unanimous ruling that you cannot kick a political party’s leading candidate off the primary ballot using an amendment that actually codifies the idea of due process.
“Colorado’s far left secretary of state agreed with leftist lawfare groups that Section 3 of the 14th Amendment barred Trump from running because he, without being convicted of the crime, in their eyes engaged in an insurrection. The Constitution, contrary to the Democrats’ twisted reading, gives Congress, not the states, enforcement authority over the post-Civil War amendment,” the report divulged.
“Because the Constitution makes Congress, rather than the States, responsible for enforcing Section 3 against federal officeholders and candidates, we reverse,” the Supreme Court ruling, which was handed down in March, says.
Hans von Spakovsky, a constitutional law expert, explained that the use of it to justify the removal of Trump from the ballot was bogus right from the start.
“I don’t believe the provision is still effect because of the Amnesty Acts passed by Congress,” von Spakovsky, manager of the Heritage Foundation’s Election Law Reform Initiative, said in his explanation. “In any event, this is an anachronistic provision that was driven by the passions inflamed by a civil war that killed and wounded more Americans than in any other war we have ever fought. It is an insult to those who fought in that conflagration for this congressman to try to use it to go after his political opponents, because that is what it amounts to.”
As the days passed, Raskin started preaching doom and gloom like one of those crazy guys with a sandwich board that says “The End Is Nigh,” as he became convinced SCOTUS would not uphold Colorado’s decision.
“Last night I was most worried about the Supreme Court’s prospective, imminent abdication of its very clear duty to disqualify Donald Trump form the ballot … and what that might mean if their decision says it’s really up to Congress on Jan. 6, 2025 to disqualify him at the counting of electoral college votes, which really could lead to something akin to a civil war,” Raskin stated to his fellow D.C. leftists.
Kittle concluded the article with a brilliant observation, saying, “Keeping with his party’s projection campaign talking points, Raskin insisted that ‘the right to vote is under attack in very specific ways in lots of states.’ He is, of course, correct. Just not in the way the liberal elitist thinks he is. Democracy is under attack, and Democrats hold the cudgel.”
Copyright 2024. CongressReport.com
Our biggest enemies are here in the United States and it is the Communist Democratic Party.
The Platonic self flattery of Raskin and others in the idea of congressional office holders desenting and impeding a duly elected candidate seeking installment, must be tempered with the understanding that THIS IS THE CRIME OF SEDITION, IMPRISONABLE, AND THE PEOPLE MUST INSISTANTLY DEMAND SO.
Yes, Raskin, Shumer, Pelosi – all of them are trying to overthrow the government with their rants. They are trying to make all of us believe in their version or interpretations of the Constitution which, by the way THEY disrespect and disregard whenever it suits them. Don’t listen to any of them. They all slow walked themselves to Gitmo. That is a fact.
We all know that Harris is unqualified for even the lowest government job. Follow the money! The socialists and “one world order” are spending billions to buy this election for her because they know she will follow orders and do exactly as she is told to do. They way they we will be able to destroy the USA.
Question: Where and when was there an insuection? Section 3 requires an insurection as an element for disqualification.